Friday, September 5, 2008

Interval Training

I've mentioned before that I'm following this running schedule that I took off the Polar website. Yesterday 'Interval' was slotted in, which meant I had to go on a hunt online as to what 'interval training' actually was.

From Wikipedia, 'Interval training is broadly defined as repetitions of high-speed/intensity work followed by periods of rest or low activity.' So that's more or less what I did. Because I had to meet my childhood friend for dinner, I had a small window of time to do a very short run. But then they always say quality is better than quantity right?

I headed to the gym and got on the treadmill and did spurts of 400m dashes followed by slow runs for 200m. I'm not actually sure if I did it properly but here's the thing, this need to run fast and then slow and then fast again actually made this treadmill session go by rather quickly and, dare I say it, enjoyably. Then again, I didn't do this for very long because I was running late, so it could just be that I hadn't gotten to the point where I'd be bored.

What I did yesterday (vague recollection):
Intervals (5 x 400m) - overall finished 3.61k in 25 minutes

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