Monday, May 4, 2009

Tri Factor Series - Swim Race Report

I'll make a confession straight out and say that I didn't do as much training for this as I should have. Neither did I abstain from anything or rest well. In fact, right till the eve of the race I was happily knocking the beers back. Why? Well, simply because I was so darn cocky that I didn't die at my 'trial run'.

Well, despite all that I don't think I did that badly in my swim. There was a storm early that morning, so it was grey and dull in the morning. The sea had also taken on a life of its own, which made swimming in it that much more 'fun'. I don't think I have much to say about the race except for the fact that it had less people than the Sprint Series aquathlon. Still got kicked a couple of times though but because the group got a lot more spread out after a while, there were times I found myself swimming without anyone beside me...very very nice.

1k in the sea didn't seem like too much of a big deal, but I'm aching crazily today and just drained of energy. I'd like to think that, for a change, I did push myself a little harder than usual, but I'm also sure it could be due to the fact that I've been lazy.

No times yet because I forgot to set my watch and the results of the race aren't out!

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