Friday, May 8, 2009


How annoying when you finish a run and realise you're just 50m from making the run a nice round number!

I ran to R's place last night before we went out for a nice dinner. Because I had to fit my nice dinner clothes and a nice dinner bag in my backpack, I was running heavier than usual, with my dinner bag poking into my back the entire while. Needless to say it wasn't too comfortable. However, after a while, your back just adapts to the shape of the damn bag and it gets easier to bear.

On another note, I think I'm not actually pushing myself when I do my runs. I remember reading somewhere that if you're able to run the last 400m super fast too comfortably, you've been running way too slow the previous distance. I managed to dig (I want to say 'deep within me', but that really wasn't the case) into my energy reserves and do a dash at the last lap to R's place. I guess I spent so long being paranoid about running out of energy, that I spend half my time over-conserving it. I think I'm going to have to find a nice comfortable balance at some point. Or get over my fear of being breathless.

What I did yesterday:
Ran 6.95k in 53 mins

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