Monday, March 16, 2009

The Suburban Run Race Report

Before I begin rambling on, I want to say how absolutely proud I am with S who ran her first 5k ever and kicked sweet ass. She's a complete rock star! Welcome to the world of sick people who wake up at stupid times of the day to attend a race!

There actually is nothing much to report about the race, other than the fact that there was one strange dood at the race wearing biking gear for a race, and a glaringly neon coloured one at that. Very very odd. Overall, the race was pretty well organised, except for the bit where people running the loop back kind of collided straight into people running into the loop. I wasn't running for time (not that I'm such a speedster I expect to win each race...hell, one can dream) for this run, because I promised S to stick by her the whole while and also because I've been so darn lazy and unfit the past 2 weeks. I had a rough last week and instead of running it off and getting some training in, I decided to drink a lot of alcohol instead. Not smart.

Today the legs are aching from the race yesterday. Could either be from the race (which is just telling how little I've been doing by way of running) or from the boozy St. Paddy's Day celebrations I partook in yesterday. I think I need to lay off the alcohol for a long long time.

Race time: 38:36mins
Official Race Results (this race didn't take note of when you started running, just when you ended): 40:18 mins

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