Thursday, December 4, 2008


Death always trips me up. I'm not great at dealing with it. And more than anything else I become teary eyed over small little things for the next couple of days. Which is fine if I was really close to anyone involved in the death. But when all it is is that I've studied together with the girl who passed on more than a decade ago and that's probably the closest link I can muster up, somehow I feel like a complete fraud. What right do I have to feel so sad for her husband or her family? All I can do is sympathize and offer nothing by way of empathy. And then on top of all this, I realise how lacking my life is. At least she loved and she was loved. I just feel as if I take everything for granted and get very caught up in meaningless nonsense. I don't even know what this entry is for because now I feel like I'm just typing out random thoughts that happen to float into my head and there seems to be no obvious reason or train of thought I'm having at all.

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