Firstly I'm really proud of myself for showing up. I had been starting to develop this bad habit of not showing up for races when I did them alone so the fact that I was even at the start point was, to me, a pretty big deal!
For a first (albeit the wimpy category) triathlon, the weather couldn't be better. It was overcast the throughout the entire race and didn't start raining till I was done. Okay, it probably wasn't so great for the guys in the sprint category, I don't really care. Hah!
I got to East Coast about an hour early to set up shop in the transition area (TA). Hunted around for a bag drop, and realised my little allocated space in the TA was pretty much my bag drop/swim transition/run transition/etc etc (talk about multi-purpose!). After organising everything nicely, I had a pee in what had to be the filthiest portaloos and I was ready to warm up and go!
Swim LegI started somewhere in the front. I've learnt that starting behind really really sucks because I just keep getting kicked in the face by all these breast-strokers. As it was, even though I started near the front, I still had someone swim over me (very weird moment!), had someone slap my hand a few times and someone kick me somewhere.
Truth is, I don't think I felt much during the swim because I was all pumped up with adrenalin. I did find a couple of scratches here and there when I was showering, but well. And I guess I can't complain all too much about the kicking because I know I did give someone a kick in the face. I also stopped and apologised. Which makes me rock, because no one else actually stopped to apologise and I did! All the same, this 200m swim was way longer than the 200m swim at the Tri-bob Aquathlon, and we were swimming against a pretty fierce current, so that took quite a bit out of you.
I think I could have afforded to put a bit more into the swim, but I kept thinking I still had a bike ride and a run to go, so I held back on power Gerry! I did pretty okay though, came in 11th out of 120 peeps so I'm not complaining!
Time: 08:20 minutes
Bike LegThis was a pretty bad moment for me. I thought I was going pretty damn fast but tons and tons of mountain bikes were overtaking me. It was just demoralising after a while. I tried to go a bit faster, but then my brain kept constantly reminding me I still had a run to do. After my speedy swim, this was really nothing to scream about. In fact it was kind of blah. By the time I was done and got to the TA, I was pretty tired. I guess I haven't really been doing as much cycling training as I thought I did. My legs were wobbly and I just couldn't run in with my bike. Well, I tried and I ran into my bike wheel, so I opted for strolling in with my bike. Came in 55th for this leg - not cool
Time: 33:18mins
Run LegNot my proudest moment. It was a 2k run, the weather was great for a run and what did I do? I strolled. I ambled along slowly. I wasn't even brisk walking. Of course I had a stitch. I hadn't done any running the past goodness-knows-how-long, what else did I expect. So this leg proved (doh!) to be my downfall. I don't even have anything to say about it because nothing happened. Had (a very humiliating) 101st slowest time for this leg needless to say.
Time: 15:38mins
Overall Time: 57:44 (Ranked 55th)